
The landscape of Drupal has changed significantly over the years; to stay ahead of all the latest developments requires forward planning and big thinking.

With the timescale of Drupal 7 end-of-life pushed back again you might be asking, do I still need to upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9, 10 and beyond? The answer is YES.

Drupal 7 website owners are just treading water. Organisations still operating on legacy Drupal (that is, any version below Drupal 8) aren’t just missing out on powerful, business-critical features that can take your digital platform to the next level and provide a better user experience for content management teams and customers alike. They also risk their website no longer being hosted, and having to pay a premium for specialist developers for emergencies and improvements.

Download our white paper for upgrading Drupal 7 to 9, 10 and beyond, based on our extensive real-world Drupal development experience upgrading Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 websites for major international clients. You'll discover our guidance on how to make the leap to the next generation of Drupal, optimise your upgrade strategy and boost your overall digital presence.

Download our guide to find out about:

  • The latest news on Drupal

  • Why remaining on an outdated version of Drupal could negatively affect your business

  • How you can improve user experience with the latest features from Drupal 9 and 10

  • Why revisiting your content types, UX and custom modules can help you become leaner, search engine optimised, and improve usability, accessibility and reduce your carbon emissions at the same time

  • How collaborating with a Drupal development agency like us can help manage the complexities of the Drupal upgrade process, migration process, and create a more successful upgrade journey with better outcomes for content management teams and users alike

Our Drupal 7 to Drupal 9/10 white paper is packed full of insights and information to prepare for Drupal 9, Drupal 10 and all major versions in the future.

Download our white paper on why you should be preparing for new Drupal right now, how we can help manage the upgrade process and futureproof your website in the process.

So, don’t delay any more, find out how you can upgrade from Drupal 7 to 9 and 10, today!

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