We were thrilled to be invited to run a series of workshops in Monday’s The Future is Now event at Broadcasting House. Cyber-Duck was brought in to inspire and teach staff at the BBC with our work and experimentation with the technologies of tomorrow.

On the same day that the BBC launched their new, interactive Taster service, our team of Internet of Things (IoT) specialists was invited to their iconic London headquarters, Broadcasting House, to run workshops and demonstrate new possibilities to staff of all stripes – from production editors and journalists, right up to BBC Director Danny Cohen. We guided attendees through our persona-based approach to connected robots and popular, hands-on IoT activities.

We also demonstrated some of our own R&D projects such as the Cuckoo Quack and Arbot, revealing second-stage prototypes for the first time. (Stay tuned for more on that soon!)

The BBC’s own research and development team was on hand to show off some big ideas during the day, continuing their dedication to pushing the boundaries of broadcasting. It was exciting to get an inside look at their new initiatives and share excitement about each others’ projects.

If your organisation is interested in hosting one of our inspiring and educational workshops, get in touch today.