Why PDF accessibility?

PDFs aren’t rated for their accessibility. But with the right approach and an accessibility checker, you can make them accessible to many more users. Learn about the UK government’s new advice for PDFs, how to assess your PDFs, create your PDF strategy and use tools to make your PDFs accessible.

What to expect inside

Our free PDF accessibility checklist is packed with proven advice on page content, PDF tags, form fields and more. 

Discover why reading order is vital for people using screen readers, and how navigation pane tags can help. And learn how tables can be made more accessible with header cells and data cells.

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Peek inside

All this and more...

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Get the 5 steps to auditing your PDFs and your 11-point PDF accessibility checklist

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Get up to date on the latest accessibility regulations, GDS guidelines and WCAG 2.1 guidelines

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See when it’s appropriate to use PDFs and when you should use HTML or a blended approach

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Learn how to make your PDF accessible with Adobe Acrobat Pro and other tool tips

Get your free PDF accessibility checklist

Download your free PDF accessibility checklist now – start making accessible PDFs today.

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By clicking 'download now', you opt-in to receive these emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. Our Privacy Policy covers how we protect data. 

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Cyber-Duck: Your accessibility partner

This checklist is just the beginning. At Cyber-Duck, we follow accessibility by design, which means accessibility is baked into every step of our process. We can help with accessibility audits, advise on PDF accessibility guidelines and run PDF accessibility training.

Cyber-Duck conducting user-testing on a computer with a visually-impaired user at RNIB

We’ve helped organisations like the Bank of EnglandMitsubishi Electric and Sport England develop enterprise-scale, accessible, user-centred content strategies that deliver. If you’d like to find out more, get in touch – we’re ready to help.

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