Why do you need a DevOps agency?

DevOps services benefit your organisation, internal teams and your users alike. DevOps breaks down silos between software development and IT operations teams, improving effectiveness, efficiency and ultimately, the end product. On average, our clients see a 200x increase in deployment frequency, a 24x improvement in recovery times, and a 3x reduction in downtime.

Our DevOps services result in faster, higher-quality, and more efficient product development and deployment cycles with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). Our experienced engineers work with the Commonwealth, Worcester Bosch and Cadbury among others. They'll ensure your new products are quickly and reliably maintained, and new features can be rolled out swiftly.

3x reduction in downtime

The benefits of DevOps:

Improved efficiency, delivery, quality & collaboration

DevOps services' collaborative approach across teams makes the entire development process faster and better quality, and increases your entire organisation's productivity. Our DevOps services will help you: 

  • Cross-skill team members and empower them to express feedback to identify and resolve defects early.
  • Capture and share user feedback seamlessly for product analysis and improvement.
  • Automate testing and monitoring, giving team members more time for ideation and innovation.
  • Reduce management and production costs through automation and systems optimisation.
  • Implement Agile development practices for shorter, more responsive development lifecycles.
  • Apply DevOps automation tools to boost productivity and reduce the risks of human error.
  • For the full DevOps tooling we recommend, download our free DevOps white paper and explore our hosting services.
agile for collaboration
Worcester Bosch
Supporting the complex, growing operational requirements of an entire Laravel ecosystem.
95% reduction in downtime
32% increased reliability
Continuing our long term Laravel success with a festive Advent Calendar experience
35% increase in users from 2021 to 2022
Zero downtime from the hosting infrastructure, even during peak traffic
6 weeks delivery period, on time for Advent season!

    Want to speak to our DevOps specialists?

    Our DevOps services engineers are here to support you from the briefing stage. Drop us a note to find out how our DevOps solutions and consulting services can help you.

    DevOps as a culture, not just a service

    DevOps is a cultural shift, not just a way of providing technical services. The shift to DevOps is cultural as well as technical. DevOps practices are built on Agile philosophy and lean thinking, and that culture needs to be embraced by your whole team.

    Ultimately, DevOps services aim to deliver value swiftly and frequently to your customers and stakeholders. That’s why our human-centred processes are always focused on your users, so your team can deliver the products they really need. Read our Chief Digital Officer Danny Bluestone’s article on how to move to a DevOps culture.   

    Photo of four members of the DevOps team working in close proximity on their computers
    Group 19 1

    The transition from our existing infrastructure and process over to Cyber-Duck's was very easy. I was just asked to produce information like databases and versions and by allowing that process I didn’t have to think about it anymore.

    Matthew Munro, DevOps Manager, Fitch Learning

    The four-step DevOps process

    Our DevOps engineers follow ISO 27001 and GDPR standards throughout the DevOps process where each step informs the next in a continuous cycle of planning, implementation, and operation.

    1. Planning


    • Process
    • Technology
    • Culture

    2. Building

    • Define tests
    • Write code
    • Cloud setup
    • Configuration
    • Testing

    3. Releasing

    • Code passes tests and is
deployed to live
    • CI/CD

    4. Manage

    • Performance monitoring
    • Troubleshooting
    • Insights
    • Security updates
    • Platform updates

    Who we've helped

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