Defining your goals and brand

How do you design a service that truly meets user needs? Discovery projects clarify your goals, dig deep into users’ needs and context, and consider any regulatory or technical constraints, painting a full and complete picture of the service, technology and user journeys before jumping ahead to a solution. Sometimes, discovery can generate surprising solutions, or highlight other potential improvements along the way. 

Our user-centred approach is rooted in UX and ISO-certified process. Our discovery services will provide the foundation of a robust, secure and user-centred strategy that meets user needs and helps you to reach your business goals. We’ll consider every angle of your service, platform and brand to pinpoint opportunities and build a future-friendly and scalable strategy.

Photo of James and Fabiola conducting usability testing and assessing prototype

Our user-centred discovery process

First, we work with you to establish the ultimate goals for the discovery project. As we work to define the problem, we'll interrogate any assumptions to check they're valid. We'll decide what is in the scope of the project and quantify the cost of the problem to define your potential ROI.

Then, we’ll build a full picture of your users in context using a range of methods, from ethnographic research to interviews. We always include the most diverse range of users possible, taking accessibility needs, ability levels and other factors into account. We’ll also hear from people across your service or organisation to understand the problem from all sides. Establishing users’ needs helps us to understand how your problem fits into their broader goals.

Photo of James planning out a design on a white board

Speak to our Discovery experts

Understanding your current brand and platform is vital to build a robust strategy for the future. Contact us and let’s discuss your current challenges and goals.

Our Discovery project approach

Brand audits and discovery 

Your brand isn’t just how your website looks; it covers every touchpoint in your CX, from the usability of your product or service to your technology and customer support. With our brand discovery services, we’ll help you develop an authentic brand narrative using qualitative research and data science – one that will connect you with your customers and inspire long-term loyalty. 

Our brand audits examine and review your brand from every angle to highlight what’s working and what isn’t. During the audit, we’ll analyse your brand’s structure, positioning, visual assets, guidelines and tone of voice, and test elements like your name, logo and tag line. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your brand, its structure and how you can optimise and improve.

We’ll draw from user research and client workshops to create your brand platform. This defines what you do, what you value as a brand and what personality and characteristics you exhibit. Your brand platform includes:

  • Proposition, your unique offering
  • Values that chime with your customers
  • Personality that inspires positive engagement

Considering constraints

We understand that you operate in a complex environment, and that legal and regulatory compliance is vital to any service you might build. We're highly experienced with the likes of the GDS Service Standard, ITIL and OWASP standards and WCAG guidelines, going beyond the legal minimum to create strategies and platforms that are truly inclusive.

Besides legally required compliance, we understand you may have other constraints. We'll gain understanding of your current context, such as any live contracts, processes, technological constraints or legacy systems that need to be considered, and will work closely with you to build a strategy that is feasible and achievable.

Photo of James curating content for GDPR compliance at his workstation

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