Our history of research and innovation

Since 2005, we've proudly championed research and innovation – it’s vital to our mission of making the world a better place through digital. Research is the foundation of everything we do: by digging deep into user, stakeholder and organisational research, we create outstanding solutions to answer real needs.

Our long history of Research & Innovation means we’re perfectly placed to support evolution, innovation and (re-)invention in your business, setting your organisation’s digital ecosystem up for continued success long into the future.

Five of the Cyber-Duck team taking part in a hackathon. They are all smiling at the camera and wearing orange t-shirts that say "Quack Hack". One is holding a cute dog.

Open banking, Blockchain and Voice UI

Through dedicated hackathons, we’ve developed innovative ideas across various sectors, including open banking and AI for clients in the finance sector, and AI, blockchain and electronic records to improve efficiency in healthcare.

We’ve driven innovation by harnessing the possibilities of Voice UI technology; our proof of concept for Jim.Care, a social care assistant using Amazon Alexa, which took advantage of Voice UI to make a positive impact on users’ lives.

An Amazon Alexa device with a mobile phone next to it.

Open source contributions, education and DRIP

We’re dedicated to sharing the knowledge that comes from our research and innovation, whether that’s working with schools to host educational hackathons for pupils and get them excited about tech, or making regular open-source contributions to Laravel and Drupal – in fact, we’ve been awarded Silver Drupal Certified Partner status thanks to our contributions to Drupal’s open-source code base, with over 300 credits in one year.

Our Drupal Innovation Programme (DRIP) means we’re continually improving and updating the way we use Drupal and stepping up our innovative open-source contributions. You can see more on our GitHub page.

The Cyber-Duck team taking part in a hackathon. Everyone is around a table having animated discussions. There are several laptops and work being shown on the room's TV screen.

We’ll help unleash your innovation

We can collaborate with teams at your organisation to help you to push the boundaries of your ideation, design and development and take your digital product design and development to new heights. 

  • Strategy projects – our service design and strategy experts will create the roadmaps to propel your technology and digital ecosystem forward, then work with you to implement it.
  • Design sprints – we can help you to run your own design sprint for quick ideation, design, development and optimisation, pushing innovation forward at a rapid pace.
  • Hackathons – we can support you to run a 1-2 day hackathon at your organisation to develop new products rapidly, build stronger working bonds between your team members, and give them the chance to push the boundaries of tech and their usual day-to-day work.

More Digital Strategy & Service Design services

Share your vision. Let's work together

Keen to push more innovation within your business? Get in touch to discuss how an innovation workshop or hackathon can help your team to push the boundaries and give you a competitive edge.